Monday, April 27, 2015

Being an adult

Today we found out that the company that I work for is going to go through a merger with a different company. I have been working for this company for just under a year now and have grown very happy and comfortable with it. It is all good news, though..

  • No employees will be lost in the merger.
  • There will be more leadership roles that open up in the coming year.
  • We get our bonus' early (when the merger closes) and will continue to see a bonus system with the merger.
  • We wont have to re-locate for the merger.
  • 401k and benefits stay relatively the same.
  • The company will jump to over 800 employees.
The only downside that I can see is that our two current CEO's are retiring and the new CEO will be the man in charge of the company that we are merging with.

This gets me nervous because it has been Dustin and my plan to finish saving and to buy a house in the Fall. This merger puts a bit of a downer on this issue because we are uncertain of how we will be treated in the new company and if we will have the option of overtime. 

Speaking of being nervous and anxious all of the time; my student loans are always hanging over my head. Right now I am about 60k in debt because of my schooling; I'm slowly paying them off but I would really like to keep my overtime pay to get them gone even further.

Am I being too much of a downer? Here; have a photo of me instead.
Let's talk running then. This past weekend I was able to get out both days for a run with two of my favorite people:

        Dustin my handsome boyfriend. :]                                Hollie my beautiful friend. :]

Please ignore my awful post run face.. I don't wear a ton of makeup on the weekend (or much at all now a days) and I end up looking like a big red-faced lady!

For both runs I was able to get in my 3 miles and my yearly miles are up to 161 for the year! Dustin asked me what I wanted to do for when I made it to the half way point of my goal (250! It's approaching quickly!) and I have a couple of ideas that I'm not sure about yet:

  1. Go away for a weekend.
  2. Get a spa day.
  3. Eat a tub of ice cream.
  4. Buy myself something nice.
  5. Dance around in a circle for about 10 minutes because I'll be half way to my goal of 500 miles!
What are some things that you like to reward yourself with when you reach a goal?

Has your job ever gone through a merger?

Are you still paying on student loans?

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